Pearl Upper Elementary

Dedicated to Excellence


  • October 2, 2024: Junie B. Jones play at Pearl High School 

    October 4, 2024: Make-up School Pictures/Club Pictures

    October 7-11, 2024: Fall Break-No School

    October 14, 2024: Report Card Conferences (10:00-6:00): No School for Students

    October 18, 2024: PUE Night at Ray Rogers Stadium (PHS football field)

    October 31, 2024: Trunk or Treat at PUE (students may wear appropriate costumes-nothing scary or gory)

    November 1, 2024: Run from Drugs

    First 9 Week's Incentives:

    **Classroom Discipline-Students should have no more than 2 card flips during the 9 weeks.

    **Bus Discipline-Students cannot have any Bus Discipline Referrals during the 9 weeks.

    .**Attendance-Students should have no more than 3 unexcused absences during the 9 weeks.

    **Math i-Ready-Students must have an average of 80% or above on i-Ready lessons in Math.

    **ELA i-Ready-Students must have an average of 80% or above on i-Ready lessons in ELA.

    Students must reach 4 out of the 5 goals to participate in the incentive party at the end of the 9 weeks.





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  • kiwanis


The mission of Pearl Public School District is to prepare each student to become a lifelong learner, achieve individual goals, and positively impact a global society.

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