Pearl Upper Elementary

Dedicated to Excellence



    January 17, 2025: 100th Day of School

    January 20, 2025: School Holiday (MLK Day)

    January 31, 2025: Student of the Month Celebration

    February 6, 2025: Term 3 Progress Reports

    February 7, 2025: 5th Grade Survivor Day Activities

    February 14, 2025: Valentine Parties (students only)

    February 17, 2025: No School for Students

    February 18, 2025: World's Finest Chocolate Sales Kick-Off

    February 25-27, 2025: MVP Tests

         Tuesday (Feb. 25):  ELA

         Wednesday (Feb. 26): Math

         Thursday (Feb. 27): Science (5th Grade only)

    February 28, 2025: Read Across America Day/Student of the Month Celebration


    Third 9 Week's Incentives:

    ***Discipline – No bus discipline or office discipline referrals

    ***Tardies – No more than 2 tardies for the 9 weeks

    ***ELA MVP 3 – Score a 4 or 5 or at least one level of growth.

    ***Math MVP 3 – Score a 4 or 5 or at least one level of growth.


    ***Science MVP 3 (5th grade only) – Score a 4 or 5 or at least one level of growth

    **4th grade students must reach 3 out of 4 goals **and

    **5th grade students must reach 4 out of 5 goals**

    to participate in the incentive party at the end of the 9 weeks.





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  • Yearbook

    Don't miss out!

    Purchase your Elementary yearbook!

    Yearbooks are now on sale!  A yearbook will provide your child a permanent record of school day memories.  ECEC, Pearl Lower, Northside Elementary, and Pearl Upper will have a combined yearbook.  Yearbooks are sold ONLY online for $30.00.  Scan the QR code below to purchase or visit and choose Pearl Lower Elementary as your school.  The deadline for orders is Friday, February 28, 2025.

    Click here to purchase your copy of the yearbook!

    Or Scan the QR Code

The mission of Pearl Public School District is to prepare each student to become a lifelong learner, achieve individual goals, and positively impact a global society.