• What Is Good Concert Etiquette?

    Good concert etiquette is behavior that is considered appropriate and polite while enjoying or performing a live musical performance.  Good concert etiquette shows respect for the conductor, performers, other audience members, and the music that is being performed.


    What Should I Do As An Audience Member?

    1. Be on time to the concert.  In fact, be early.
    2. Sit quietly and wait for the concert to begin. You may talk softly while you are waiting. Do not talk or make noises during the performance. It can be very distracting to the performers.
    3. Applaud after each full piece of music has been completed.
    4. Sit quietly during the performance. When a performing organization presents a concert, they are putting forth their best effort; and they should expect the same from the audience.
    5. Keep concert programs quiet during the performance.
    6. If you must get up to leave during a concert, do so only at the end of a groups performance or between pieces. It is best if you stay for the entire concert.
    7. Cell phones should be turned off or to mute. Watches set to beep on the hour should also be turned off.  
    8. Listening to ipods or playing games during the performance is impolite to the performers.
    9. Please use discretion in taking photos. Flash photos during a performance are extremely distracting for all.
    10. Parents should keep small children seated with them and not allow them to move around during the concert. 
    11. If very young children become restless and disrupt others' ability to listen, please take them from the performance area until they are quiet.
    12. Please remove all hats.


    What Should I Do As A Performer?

    1. While on stage, act as professionally as possible. If mistakes are made make every attempt not to call attention to it.
    2. Dress appropriately.
    3. Do not wave or talk to performers or audience members.
    4. Help others by setting a good example.  Stay quiet.  Keep focused.
    5. Sit quietly with hands and feet to yourself, listen and learn.  
    6. Stay in one place without standing up.
    7. Show appreciation for the efforts of other groups.  Be respectful.


    ***Important Reminder***

    No children under the age of 6 will be allowed to attend a contest or adjudicated event.  

    This is a rule established by the Mississippi High School Activities Association.