1. Be on time!  DO NOT BE TARDY!

    2. Be in your assigned seat with all supplies when the bell rings.

    3. Do not talk during rehearsal.  Cell phones are NOT allowed during rehearsal.

    4. Be physically and mentally ready to do your best at each rehearsal.  Be willing to try!

    5. Be positivie!  Love the challenge!

    6. Please bring water.  Keep your vocal mechanism hydrated.

    7. NO GUM, FOOD, CANDY, etc.  

    8. The choir room is your "home" at school.  Treat the choir room and your choir family with care and respect.

    9. Attendance at all after-school rehearsals and performances is MANDATORY!

    10. Be excellence personified!

    11. Choose extraordinary over ordinary.  Always go the extra mile!

    12. Place book bags in the cubbies as you enter the choir room.



    ***Important Reminder***

    There's a difference between INTEREST and COMMITMENT.  When you are INTERESTED in something, you do it only when circumstances permit.  When you are COMMITTED to something, you accept no excuses, only result.