• Drill Team

    Drill team is composed of two separate teams: Armed and Unarmed, each of which is split into Basic and Exhibition teams. The Armed team marches with rifles, while the Unarmed does not incorporate weapons into their drill. -C/CDR

    Unarmed Basic commander:  C/CDR Deonna Strickland 

    Unarmed Exhibition commander:  C/ENS Macie Stringer

    Armed Basic commander:  C/LCDR DeAndre' Strickland

    Armed Exhibition commander:  C/LTJG Ducati Washington


    Marksmanship - Monday and Wednesday after school till 5:00p.m.

    Marksmanship Team lead:  C/LTJG Winter Path

    Marksmanship Asst. Team lead:  C/LTJG Abryel Martin